DIRECTOR - Kenny Wallace May 2022 - Present
Kenny Wallace has 20 years of Barbershop experience including:
- Assistant Director of Knoxville's BHS Men's chorus. Smokyland Sound,
- Directed BHS Men's Chorus "Heart of Georgia" in Macon for 10 years,
- Directed Sweet Adeline Chorus "Sweet Georgia Sound" in Macon for 2.5 years,
- Directed church choirs and orchestras and sings lead in several quartets including "Vocal Recall" who competed against FRED (Clay Hine's quartet).
When he is not singing, Kenny spends time caring for his parents and visits with his daughter and grandchildren in Georgia.
CO-DIRECTOR - Diane McGrath May 2022 - Present
Diane McGrath Interview 2025
Diane has been a Sweet Adeline for nearly 30 years and served as assistant director for her former chorus for over 15 years.
She has been a quartet singer most of that time, competing and medaling in several quartets. She is a regional champion bass with Río Quartet in Region 11 (2007).
She loves helping singers learn and grow, and enjoys sharing her knowledge in her capacity as assistant director.